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Back to Category ListUnited Veteran Health Centers Inc | United Veteran Health Centers IncAssisted Living United Veteran Health Centers Inc
United Veterans Health Centers (UVHC) is an exceptional homeless veterans placement and assisted living facility located in Houston, Texas. Founded by former Dessert Strom Era- US Army Specialist Benjamin D. Irvin. This company was created to meet the housing and skilled nursing needs of homeless, aging, or disabled US Military Veterans, with the safety and care of our clients as a priority, UVHC will break barriers in housing and nursing care through efficient and strategic management decisions. UVHC has a goal to recruit a team of highly qualified professionals including physicians, PAs, RNs, LVNs, CNAs, social workers, activity directors, cooks, and maintenance staff. That staff will help manage the day-to-day complexities of caring for those who need assistance with daily living activities. Those tasks include but are not limited to getting dressed, bathing, toileting, medical, and medication management. UVHC will provide a comprehensive array of services that will appeal to its target clientele of senior veterans or disabled veterans living in the greater Houston area who are looking to get the most out of their assisted living experience. UVHC will ensure that every need of the client is being met. UVHC will be the ultimate choice in Houston, Texas for assisted living, and homeless veterans placements View Information |